Idea No. 58: The Idea Can Gets Social

the idea: make a social media website called the Idea Can for sharing and collaborating on ideas

So I feel like I need to clear up this whole Idea Can idea a bit.  I was talking to a friend of mine and I told her that I thought it would be great to make it into a website.  She said, yea, but couldn’t you use something else?  Something that’s not a trash can?  I don’t want to throw away my ideas!

I realized that although I have a great reason for making the Idea Can a trash can, I’ve never actually explained it anywhere.  So here it is:

I have a lot of ideas.  More often than not I forget them because I don’t take the time to record them in anyway.  Sure, I have my big ideas.  The ones that I actually work on day after day in hopes that I will make them a reality.  But while I’m working, I keep generating.

The Idea Can really is a trash can for ideas.  It’s where all the odd bits and ends go while I’m busy focusing on a main project.  That way I document them, don’t let myself go off track of my current project, and have an interesting resource for the future.

The other important part, and the reason why it could work incredibly well as a social media platform, is that I have enough ideas that will never come to fruition that I want people to steal my ideas.  Blow the dust off of them, shape them your own way, pour your life into them.

What if everyone could make their own Idea Can and make it public so that anyone else could dig through it to get inspired.  One persons trash is another persons gold right?  It’s like recycling mind power!

So if you like this idea and have the tech skills that I am so sadly lacking, send me an email and maybe we can come up with something amazing!

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