the idea: capture the morning light in the morning just because it looks nice
As the daughter of a technical theater woman, I have spent a lot of my life listening to my mother exclaim about how the light looks at a specific moment. Recently, she has developed the the ability to say exactly what gel color the sunset is as well, although I haven’t yet learned this trick from her.
What I have learned is a deep appreciation for the way the light looks. Usually, it is impossible to capture on camera the true nature of a ray of light. Angles, hues, lenses, and just about everything else in a camera (most that I don’t know the name of) change how light is captured.
Even knowing this, I often try to capture a particularly beautiful ray of light when I see it. The problem is, it ends up being half picture half memory because I can never get it quite right.
Today’s idea was an attempt to capture the incredible light that streams through the many windows of my house from where it is perched up on the hill in Medford. Yellow rays bathe the various rooms, turning them from the jumbled mess of four women living together into a movie set. This morning in a particularly nice moment I decided once again to try and capture on camera what my eyes were appreciating.
Although it doesn’t look exactly the same, this photo did manage to capture something.