Idea No. 2: Don’t Cast Off

What if I kept my knitting on the knitting needles for my next canvas?

This idea needs a little context.  As a painter and a knitter, I had an idea about a year and a half ago.  I started painting on unstretched canvas so I could go as large as I wanted to go without worrying about the stretchers and transportation.  Then I realized, in a more direct way than I ever had before, that canvas is just as a fabric.  As a knitter, I’ve been making fabric since I was in single digits.  So I put two and two together and came up with my new series: Knitted Canvasses:

I’ve been working on these for a while now and have been pushing my original idea each time.  I’ve been changing colors, creating patterns, changing size, and recently even started a pair of mittens which I’m sure will be featured in an idea soon.  My most recent canvas is with bigger needles and yarn.  It’s soft, bumpy, and just everything I like.  I had to buy needles to use it and I thought that I might leave them in.

There’s been a constant struggle between my painting and my knitting about which I would rather do at any given point and which is more important in the finished knitted canvas.  Painting pretty much always wins.  But if the needles were super-glued in and made into a part of the piece not only would the connection to craft be stronger, it would almost be sculptural.


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