Idea No. 43: The 20th Century Captured in a Face

Recently, the internet served up to me another interesting idea:

Photograph centenarians, a.k.a. people in their 100’s.

This idea was undertaken by the German photographer Karsten Thormaehlen in 2008.  He photographed over 40 men and women who had reached the stately age of 100 and published them in the book, Happy at One Hundred.  Their faces, like the photographs that capture them, hold the stories of the 20th century.

As modern technology advances, always increasing the number of years we can expect, it makes me wonder what I will see by the time I’m 100.  It’s not too strange an idea.  My 91 year old grandparents were born and raised during the Great Depression, lived through World War II, the Cold War, and many more to reach where they are today.  What will we have seen by the time our grandchildren are old enough to care to ask?  And will anyone carry on Thormahlen’s idea and photograph us?

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