Idea No. 112: A Puppet Play
the idea: create puppets with my students and then have them put on a quick play Today, as I continued my class inspired by Asian art in the museum, I made …
the idea: create puppets with my students and then have them put on a quick play Today, as I continued my class inspired by Asian art in the museum, I made …
the idea: change your profile to the red equals sign to show support for gay marriage This idea was started by the Human Right’s Campaign in response to he two huge …
the idea: turn a pile of snow into a secret system of tunnels As the (hopefully) last piles of snow continue to melt, I thought I would get in a …
the idea: journal every night I have journaled every night since March 22, 2008. which means that as of two nights ago I struck five years. Five years of my life …
the idea: write a poem to introduce the DMAJMS section on being passionate Tomorrow is a big day. I’ll be sending out the rough draft of my book, Don’t Make …
the idea: pull together a big Book Launch event on June 1st! I have been utterly absorbed in my thesis lately, as you can probably tell from all the ideas that …
the idea: teach a class with the supplies in my apartment I am sick. Again. It’s awful. As such, I haven’t had the most energy. On Tuesday, when snow caused my …
the idea: draw the background for a poster promoting my mother’s student’s version of the Jungle Book This is the type of thing that happens when you come from a creative …
the idea: help clarify your ideas by talking them over with someone else. This is a pretty routine idea but it was so vital tonight that I had to add it. As you …
the idea: use the collected paint at the bottom of the dirty paint jar I started doing this in college when I noticed the ever-remarkable occurrence of settling paint. See, normally …