Idea No. 63: Photograph Natural Abstractions
the idea: take photographs of natural abstraction For someone who has never taken a photography class, I love taking photographs. Maybe it’s specifically because I have no artistic training so …
the idea: take photographs of natural abstraction For someone who has never taken a photography class, I love taking photographs. Maybe it’s specifically because I have no artistic training so …
the idea: paint doodles on a lamp This lamp has actually been acting as an important part of my room for a while now. I made it a little over …
the idea: paint my guitar case I’ve been doing a lot lately. Don’t Make Art, Just Make Something is underway, the Idea Can is going strong, I’ve been getting myself …
the idea: write Sir Ken Robinson a letter and blog it Once people become well known, it is much harder to contact them. But my philosophy for this year is to …
the idea: make an interactive piano curriculum I’ve taken classical piano since I was about five years old. I had a wonderful, patient teacher who worked with both me and my …
Artists have built for themselves, or had built for them, this stereotype of absent-minded creative abandon. Whether it’s the writer who forgets to eat, drink, or sleep while coming across …
the idea: make a social media website called the Idea Can for sharing and collaborating on ideas So I feel like I need to clear up this whole Idea Can idea …
the idea: research and write a book about artists who found art while being ill This idea has been swinging around in my head for a while. Through my art history …
the idea: write a children’s book about a girl with her own Idea Can I’ve been thinking a lot about my new project, the Idea Can, lately. It’s a concept I …
Read more “Idea No. 57: The Idea Can meets Children’s Literature”
the idea: learn “Empty Chairs” from Les Mis on guitar I’ve seen Les Mis twice now. Thankfully both times I went with people who enjoyed it. (Interestingly they both had …