the idea: when walking through a city, keep your eyes open for unexpected city wisdom
About a month ago I was making a trek down to Connecticut for my sister’s college graduation. Part of the trip involved a random stop in Hartford thanks to random bus lines. While I was waiting in Hartford for my sister to come get me, I walked toward what has become a beautiful park right downtown on the river. But on my way there I saw something and then, being the artist I am, I had to do a double take.
“SANTA IS REAL” was spray painted on this large, polygon of a column and the only thing I could think of was to stop and take a picture. Technically, this is probably graffiti and not appreciated by the building owners, but it’s little pieces of art like this that make cities special. (I don’t have much experience not in cities, although I’m sure there are rural artistic treasures as well). Either way, I continued to walk down the street with a slightly bouncier step and a new idea captured on my phone.