Idea No. 196: Two-Colored Sculpture Environments

the idea: create two-colored sculptures and their environments the ideator: Amy Beth Harrison I recently taught a studio art class with Amy Beth rather than our usual one-off tour/art activities.  There are a lot of things you teach differently if you’re working with a group that you see multiple times versus a group you see only …

Idea No. 186: No-Regret Tattoos

the idea: To Temporary Tattoo or not to Temporary Tattoo? That is the question. the ideator: M- Scarlett “When confronted with a difficult day, as happens upon occasion in the middle of July, one must come to some very interesting conclusions that can only result in fearless application of no-regret tattoos. At this point, there …

Idea No. 180: Community Knitted Canvasses

the idea: ask other people to knit canvasses which I can then paint on collaborator: Susan Frank My knitted canvasses, and my visual art in general, have taken a back seat during the first part of this year.  Don’t Make Art, Just Make Something saw to that, rather appropriately now that I think about it.  But at …

Idea No. 173: Briana’s Wedding Amethysts

the idea: send pins of amethysts to people who can’t be physically present at the wedding but want to be part of it the ideator: Briana Blythe My godsister, Brianna, has been off on incredible travels in Milan becoming a famous opera singer.  Because of this, I haven’t seen her since before I went to college, …

Idea No. 116: The Boston Critique Group

the idea: create an opportunity for local artists to share their work, ideas, and innovation in order to foster a healthy arts community. the ideator: Katherine Vetne As a recent Bachelor of Fine Arts graduate, I found myself longing for the kind of artistic community that had created the backbone of my degree program. As a student …