Idea No. 109: Five Years of Writing

the idea: journal every night

I have journaled every night since March 22, 2008. which means that as of two nights ago I struck five years.  Five years of my life documented, at least in some form.

My first ever journal entry was on February 3rd, 2001 in a Lisa Frank diary with purple penguins hugging on the front. It went like this:

Dear Diary,

I when’t to a baby shower today.

It was Kristen’s Mairead’s skating teacher.

It’s 2:30 pm. I’m lisening to the Betles Please Please me Saturday February 3thrd 2/3/01 I’m bord.

I think I’m going to wrighte a book.

I think right now bye Diary.

It took me six years to fill up that first journal, writing only when I felt like it. Then I decided that it was time to start seriously writing.

After a year of seriously writing I realized that if I wanted to actually document my life I would have to write every night, because writing two weeks of events in an evening just doesn’t work.

And, for the past five years, that’s exactly what I’ve been doing.  Even if I don’t have my journal with me I’ll write something down on a slip of paper and type it in later.  I’m not sure how long I’ll keep doing this, but I’m on my nineteenth journal and still going strong.

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