Idea No. 203: The Camp Gyno

the idea: make a tampon advertisement starring a brassy 12-year-old giving some real talk

the ideator: HelloFlo

There’s not much more you can say after this commercial except how true it is.  There was always that one girl who knew things (imagine “things” said in a coveted, preteen whisper).  For a little while she reigned supreme with the weight of her taboo knowledge.  But, soon, as everyone else started to experience and discover those taboos for themselves, her power dissipated.

Not only did HelloFlo create this awesome, honest commercial, they actually do send these care packages.  Or, they will in September 2013.  Even as an adult, getting tampons and candy in the mail soundings freaking incredible.  No more last minute CVS runs or scrounging through the kitchen to see if there’s any sugar anywhere.  Instead, a timely package waiting on your doorstep.

Now that’s a great idea.

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