the idea: yet another vignette of a damsel in distress, or is it?
the ideator: Samantha Swords
When I was in second grade we studied medieval england and made up our own coat of arms. We put these on shields and hung them around the classroom, each with a title for “Lord” or “Lady” _____. As a staunch tomboy who had just started reading Tamora Pierce’s books about lady knights, I refused to be Lady Miranda. Instead, I was Dame Miranda, the only Dame in the class.
As a slightly larger version of that second grader, I am getting goose bumps over the fact that a flesh and bone lady knight actually exists. And not one of the women who’ve been knighted by a modern queen but like, a sword fighter. A really good one.
Not only is she a sword fighter, you go to the website and what does it say?
“Artist, writer and sword-fighter, works in the film industry.”
Um, can we please be best friends?