
For the past few hours I’ve been scrounging through my apartment, pulling my art from the walls, the dishwasher, the bookshelves, and anywhere else it has walked off too.  I’ve removed it from its natural habitat, placed it on an 18″x24″ piece of drawing paper and photographed it.  After returning all the art pieces to …

My Best Art Piece

As an artist who is also a young professional and a graduate student, I’m used to hearing both others and myself commiserate about trying to find the time and space to do art.  Eight foot tall oil paintings just aren’t plausible in a small, rented apartment on the outskirts of Boston when you work two …

My First Studio

When I was in college and debating between being a psychology major and minor, one of the areas of study that interested me was the effect surroundings have on creativity, emotion, and learning. There are places that are inherently creative, ones where our minds can’t help but wander, and ones that immediately make us feel …

Being Worthwhile

Most people I know in community art are busy, very busy. This includes the teachers who do art or grad school in their “free” time, the IT personnel, waiters, and software techs who create art at night, and everyone else who finds their lives in community art. Between my two and a half part-time jobs, …

Basement Music

When I was young(er), I used to see the videos of 20-something year olds fervently playing music in their livings rooms and basements late at nights, getting off day long shifts to come home just to make music. I always found it a little funny, these people who played late at night not to get …

My Stunt as a Storyteller

At this very moment I am absolutely elated, sky-high on performance energy that hasn’t gone away even though I finished telling stories over an hour ago. That’s right, my performance wasn’t some theatrical debut it was my debut as a true storyteller. In my recent class on storytelling I’d been exposed to what was about to happen …