the idea: help clarify your ideas by talking them over with someone else.
This is a pretty routine idea but it was so vital tonight that I had to add it.
As you know if you’ve been reading my blog, I’ve been hard at work on my book. However, most of the time I am on my own reading, writing, editing, and generally going around my own head. But I think best when I am thinking aloud, talking things through.
Thankfully, my lovely mother came up to visit yesterday and we spent the afternoon today hashing out my ideas. As a teacher, she is very busy and hadn’t had any time to read the drafts of my thesis up until now (unlike my sister, who is also working on her thesis with whom I am constantly exchanging ideas). But right now my mother is on break so she sat down and read what I had, talked through a good portion of it with me, and led me to my next breakthrough.
You’ll be hearing about that quite soon.