Idea No. 108: A Poem on Passion

the idea: write a poem to introduce the DMAJMS section on being passionate

Tomorrow is a big day.  I’ll be sending out the rough draft of my book, Don’t Make Art, Just Make Something, to as many people as possible.  For my actual thesis class we’re required to have a second reader look at what we’ve done in depth.  Instead, due to the way I hope to distribute my book, I opted to have as many readers as possible give me whatever feedback they have time for.

Because of this, I whiled away my Saturday evening filling out the last bits of my book.  One of these bits was the introduction to the last section.  Once again, I decided to use a poem to introduce the section because poetry is an exercise in being concise, something that I am striving for in the entirety of this book.  The poem actually started on a piece of paper towel from the MFA during time between classes today.

I’ll have to make sure that I save this paper towl somewhere, it’s the type of thing that I’d love to dig out ten years down the road.

Keep your eye out for the rough draft, or send me an email if you’re interested in reading it!

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