Idea No. 130: Talk at a Conference

the idea: sign-up to speak at a conference

Speaking in front of large crowds of people can be terrifying.  I’ve done it for various reasons with various results.  As a musician, I am always terrified when I play in front of people.  As an actor, I’m terrified until I slip into role or if I begin to feel the audience loosing interest.  as a storyteller, I’m terrified until I start and then it’s free sailing.

In January, I spoke about my art in public for the first time.  Speaking as yourself, without an art form, is a very different kind of experience.  I was incredibly nervous and at the end of the talk couldn’t gauge how people had responded.  As a teacher I’ve come to be able to tell instantly whether what I’m saying is connecting or not.  It’s pretty obvious when you’re sitting at a table with a bunch of kids.  However, when you’re standing in front of about 200 people in an auditorium it can be harder to tell.  

Today I saw the video of the talk, which you can see below, for the first time.  I was relieved to see that I did get across what I wanted to and that now, via the wonders of the internet, I can spread the message to many more people!

P.S. Today’s picture was a chance still from the youtube video.  So predictable.

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