Idea No. 225: Fred’s Song to Lorraine

the idea: write and record a song for his wife of 75 years, who passed away last month

the ideator: Fred Stobaugh and Jacob Colgan (from Green Shoe Studio)

A truly endearing video is making it’s way around the web, so I thought I’d take a moment to pat tribute to the ideas of these two men.  The first part came from Fred Stobaugh, a man who wrote his first and only song at the tender age of 96.  The song is titled “Oh Sweet Lorraine” and is dedicated to his wife of 75 years, who passed away last month.

Stobaugh submitted his song to the Green Shoe Studio’s singer-songwriter contest, not expecting anything in return.  Isn’t that how most ideas come about?  Someone just thinks, why not?

Jacob Colgan was the recipient of Stobaugh’s submission, which arrived at Green Shoe Studio in a large manilla envelope.  In his opening letter, Staobaugh described the reason for the song and even admitted that he wasn’t a singer.  However, Colgan was entranced.  He decided to professionally record Stobaugh’s song, for free.

Stobaugh’s reaction, and the entire process, is documented in the video below.  To try to be describe it is futile.  All I can say is watch, and be touched.


A Letter From Fred from Green Shoe Studio on Vimeo.

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