What’s Your Story?

This project took place in 2012 and culminated with the River Story at the Mystic River Festival on October 20, 2012.


Everyone has a story, what’s yours?

STUDIO's Story Quote1. Come up with a six word story that describes you.  It can be specific to the moment you make it or applicable to your whole life.

2. Write down your six word story on a piece of paper.  Get as creative you want with decoration or just leave it plain.

3. Take a picture of yourself holding up your six word story.

4.  Send me the picture!  You can either email me the picture at miranda.aisling@gmail.com or post it on my Facebook wall at http://www.facebook.com/mirandaaisling

(If the six words restrict you, get creative!  We’ve had stories made completely of pictures, a list of six things you do, and just a straight sentence.  What we want is a snapshot of who you are so that we can share it with everyone else.  So getting going!)






The River Story

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