Idea No. 40: Napkin Resolutions
Last year it took me months to come up with a new years resolution. So much had just changed, I had only been in Boston for three months at the …
Last year it took me months to come up with a new years resolution. So much had just changed, I had only been in Boston for three months at the …
Friday was a difficult day. I had to pick up paintings from two art shows and then make a speech at Ignite Craft Boston all in the space of one …
Here’s yet another of the many ideas I’ve had about my knitted canvasses: Use clear gesso so that the color of the yarn is the first color in the painting. …
I have a lovely friend. Her name is Emily. She makes me smile because she has wonderful ideas and is incredibly passionate. She also always laughs, which makes me laugh, …
Alright, here it is, the next big thing. Some ideas I have are silly little things that make me smile, but some make me call everyone I know and say …
Six and a half years ago Twitter was created by a man named Jack Dorsey, like most creations it started off as just an idea. This afternoon on the T …
While I was lying on the floor, listening to ilyAIMY, and outlining a series of orange drips in yellow I got distracted by the textures of my own paintings. I …
When I decided to open some sort of art center one of my many ideas was to have a van with the license plate GOGH. I thought, and still do …
What if I combined my artist signature (an M with an A inside) with the type of spontaneous geometric doodling I do? The idea came at the beginning of a …
Earlier this year (I guess last year, technically), I stumbled upon an incredible awareness campaign. An old friend of mine had posted it on her Facebook and intrigued by the …